Classical Banjo Update

I send this e news in the midst of a very strange time. My hope is that you are all well and safe in your homes as we await the next steps concerning the COVID-19 situation.

I have had lots of concerts cancelled and will update the performance schedule on my website when the dust settles and things are more certain. I am using my time at home to enjoy my family and to learn new music and...practice, practice practice!

For students of the banjo, I have uploaded a new lesson on my website. The new lesson can be viewed HERE. Learning and playing the major and minor scales on your instrument develops technique, an understanding of the fingerboard, and insights into music theory.

I am forging ahead into Book II of the wonderful new commission "24 Preludes for Solo Banjo" by composer Adam Larrabee. I hope to begin recording the next 6 preludes this Spring. You can check out my recording of Book I HERE.

Stay well, stay safe, and I hope to see you when concerts resume!

Kate Thompson

Based in Richmond, Virginia, Kate is an independent photographer who wears many hats. Whether it’s an architectural shoot or an editorial assignment, she takes pride in being a big picture thinker and brings empathy and quiet thoughtfulness to all projects large and small.

New EP Release!